Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in abducted hostages, in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the danger or risk in which they have been placed. The syndrome is named after the Norrmalmstorg robbery of Kreditbanken at Norrmalmstorg in Stockholm, in which the bank robbers held bank employees hostage from August 23 to August 28, 1973. In this case, the victims became emotionally attached to their captors, and even defended them after they were freed from their six-day ordeal.
stranger die everyday
I work across the street from a hospital, and it just so happens to be the closest and cheapest place to eat. everyone in my building goes over there for snacks. every morning i go into the cafeteria and get a cup of coffee or an espresso. maybe something little like a banana, and on "hung over as fuck days" i'll get gatorade, orange juice and a breakfast burrito to settle my stomach.
i wait in line, then get rung up by my cashier. we chat, we see each other every day so we have that friendly "im a regular" relationship. then i find a place to down, eat and then go out front for a smoke.
ever so often when i smoke and drink my coffee out front, i get confronted with the reality of the place being a huge hospital, UCLA medical.
Monday through Friday, i live out my boring normal every day routine of no significance. And yet every day, someone right around me, maybe even someone i saw in the cafeteria or smoked a cigarette with outside is having their life turned upside down. Every day people's lives are effected dramatically in a way they will never forget and i will never understand, right in front of me and around me as i buy a cup o joe.
people dont go to hospitals to hang out. for some people, this day is the most important day of their lives, they're having a baby. and for others, a day they'll never forget, the day they lost a limb or a family member, and for others, it will be the last day they remember.
it just trips me out, that every time i'm there living out my routine, someone elses life is being changed forever and the only time this hospital effects my life is when celebrities die here(i.e. jackson, fawcett) and cause traffic jams and media mix ups.
I took a shot of cocaine and i shot my woman down
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger went hack and slash on California and dropped nearly 500 million dollars from the revised budget passed by Legislature. $20.4 million of that was allotted to the program for domestic violence shelters and agencies that offer domestic violence services. The proposed budget from Legislature was for a 20% reduction in state funding for domestic violence services, but using his veto authority Schwarzenegger cut 100% of the budget. This eliminated ALL of the state funding for shelters.
Everyone was ready for the 20 percent cut, but no one with a clear conscience could have predicted a cut of 100 percent of funding for services that aimed directly at keeping women and children safe.
Nonprofit organizations committed to serving the needs of all domestic violence victims and their children regardless of ethnicity, citizenship, language, religion, physical disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity or HIV status are now being forced to close, and dozens of them have laid off staff and cut services.
In 2008, 166,343 cases of domestic violence where reported. Key word "reported", domestic violence is the largest unnoticed crime in America. In this horrible time for California, an unlikely character came into the spot light and donated a large sum of cash to the cause.
On September 30, 2009, mother fucking Moby donated the proceeds of his three California tour dates to help that state's struggling domestic violence shelters. Moby said that he "wanted to make his donation in a way that would ensure that the funds had a statewide impact." “I've decided to give all of the revenue from my upcoming California shows to the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence,”
“My hope is that by doing this I will enable domestic violence prevention workers to continue their work, and also encourage other people to step in and help raise funds for domestic violence prevention and care. Domestic violence is equal parts prison and torture for many women, and my sincere hope is that we can step up and help to protect women in California and end domestic violence.”
well...i dont know what else to say. fuck yeah moby.
blah blah heres something from way back when, some real "fuck my parents" bullshit, prolly freshman year
Cacophony ©
Chastised and suppressing it with closed eyes,
A subconscious defense running through the bloodstream, naturally developed to withhold the regime,
Easier to bare, hacking the tirades into one monotone blare, like a speaker blown out from excess,
Keep singing all you want I wont bother to stress,
So overplayed its become tradition, the hammering of the hand, the bass snapping these walls into a dancing submission, retaliate to the demands,
Shake all you want, the lyrics lost their novelty when you turned them into psalms,
For this tattered flesh has seen its share and can turn the volume dial,
Muddling through for we must, these players in the band bound to us by something as shallow as a hint of blood,
Featured Artist: Fairweather

Currently Listening to: Son Lux
I miss that kid. he was crazy in such an awesome way.