Malaise is a feeling of general discomfort or uneasiness, an "out of sorts" feeling, often the first indication of an infection or other disease. Malaise is often defined in medicinal research as a "general feeling of being unwell".
Threesomes be blunt. Every dude wants to have a threesome. I don't know how it got ingrained into our psyche, I don't know why we all want to cum on your face or fuck you in the ass either. One my theories is the explosion of the Internet and free porn at such early ages (one of the benefits of being a millennial/generation y).
As Dennis Hof, the owner of the famous bordello The Moonlite Bunny Ranch says "Who doesn't want four titties and two pussies." I'm stumped, who doesn't want that? But when I put some thought into fantasies, I've learned from personal experience that fantasies are never as good as you want them to be. Thus bringing me to my next segment, the downside to threesomes.
Threesomes in relationships
You give a dog a bone and he wants more: If you let your boyfriend fuck you and your home girl, your boyfriend is gonna want to keep fucking that bitch. How could he not?
The Jealousy factor: As much as we try to play off that the act of sex can be taken to be equivalency of food and that changing partners is like trying out different cuisines, we are too complex in our emotions to fully enjoy this theory. Threesomes will fuck with the security in a relationship and can create a rift in the the emotional factor and cohesiveness of two people.
I'm sure I could go on forever about this subject so I'm mozing through.
Threesomes without a relationship involved
Sex is like chinese takeout, you both gotta get your cookie: My personal thought is that sex isn't sex unless everybody cums. Unfortunately not everyone thinks this way. But I think that holding my morals, a threesome would become less fun and more of a pain in the ass (you can take that as a pun if you want). I feel like I'd be getting carpal tunnel on my fingers, burst a vein in my tongue and wear my dick down to the bone if I had to be taking care of two bitches. So much work, which is of course, always worth the pay off, but damn, it's a fucking hassle nonetheless.
Closing argument
Of course I fantasize about watching two girls suck on my ding a ling, but because I'm not selfish enough or that I'm too sentimental, threesomes sound tiring. This analysis has shun enough light on the subject to make me come to an epiphany.
The perfect threesome. Two twins, sucking on my manhood, one body. Abby and Brittney Hensel.
This way, I don't have to stress on making em both happy, and sure I don't get two pussies, but whatever!
I know what you're thinking! Is this considered a threesome? Either that or, Dan you're a sick fuck. But hey, I'm not the sick one, the sick thing is that secretly every one wants to see these two naked, and probably half of you would really be interested in watching them do porn. Is it wrong of me, or sick of me, to want to pleasure a woman? Let alone two?
So lets drop ship on this subject and give you something beautiful to think about. Here's something a wrote a while ago.
Peaceful Anarchy
Trampled by the mistakes of previous generations, forms of freedom faded with time,
twisting the shape of the average citizen into a domesticated animal,
Unaware of the actuality of life and the possibilities of man, de evolved into fattened slaves to comfort, peons of self inflicted sedation, we dissipate into our couch cushions and yawn.
Accepting to our restrictions as citizens and acknowledging obediently that these set of rules are manufactured by men whose faces we will never see,
Rules that do not consider individuality or circumstance, merely chiseled abstract restrictions,
but with our bellies filled and our tv's on, our caretakers keep us frozen as they conflict amongst each other over the interpretation of these restrictions, which inevitably can only end with detailed regulations shoved down the throats of what they define the "average citizen",
No man is capable of delegating such an abundance of power, so of course, despite the intentions, the choices of these faceless men become parasitic for civilization, and manufacture oppression of the people.
We drone on, under the impression we have no choice, and we sit, flipping through magazines in our journey to maintain our place as dedicated followers of fashion, never considering that we are left without any responsibility in the making and maintaining of a society that we ourselves live in.
We are not given the chance to help, instead we are trained to sit, and fetch,
With this infrastructure, even the men with the strongest of will become feeble, beaten and passive in the grand scheme of things.
What comes with this submission is us handing away our future and all possible power to bureaucrats, who push papers and smoke cigars.
Structure is as important as food to your gut, but just as you have the choice to fill your mouth, you should have the choice to create your own structure.
Most of us are ignorant enough to believe we do indeed run our own show.
I suggest not a lack of order, just one no one is yet accustomed too, a different kind of order,
Centralized authority runs in the same vein as monotheism and requires obedience to one general figure, ideal or icon, our finely wrapped patsy.
Tear down that wall and imagine a decentralized government where each man has his own authority,
Where everyone is responsible with collaborating with one another to maintain what is needed for civilization,
Using common sense to address issues that are right in your face, and not on foreign soil,
All of this done without a middle man or the need to convince bureaucrats, juries or take votes.
With this proposed decentralized government,
You're existence is not to obey but to cooperate with the rest of the human race, thus creating a Utopian unity.
Class systems would disintegrate because it's structure grows from the stem of a monotheistic centralized mongers.
we will all be one class, human, we will not have to be tested by juries and judge to prove what we are doing is correct,
because we will be able to show our fellow citizens, who will be beside us, as we build a new world, that this is whats right,
i'm tired of watching television and being hypnotized in a show, that i'm not actually part of it. funny enough, in tv land when it gets bad you change the channel, accepting the mediocrities of choices we cant dictate.
i fear worse, it will always be like this.
Words worth hearing from a wise woman - Emma Goldman
Currently listening to: Ugly Casanova
by the way, i think we should have a threesome
dan, seriously, I love you. you're the tits of tits.