Autodidacticism (also autodidactism) is self-education or self-directed learning. An autodidact is a mostly self-taught person, as opposed to learning in a school setting or from a tutor. This practice is also known as street smartz bitch.
September 2009 Events according to the majority of people currently living in the United States:
"Kanye West is a Jackass" - President Obama
"Get help" - Oprah in regards to Chris Brown
"Have you heard about the Where the Wild Things Are movie coming out, did you know Karen O did the soundtrack? I'm so excited!" - Everyone of Y Generation decent.
"Fuck my life, kill brain cells." - Everyone I know (Myself included)
"This is for god and for the gays!" - Lady Gaga on the subject of "my first moonman!"; 2009 VMA
September 2009 Events - Uninteresting topics AKA not seen on reality tv or twitter
Chicago - Employment rates have gone double digits and the crime rate is at an all time high. An outburst of anger is centered toward President Obama by Chicago residents over the issues of black on black crime. Most notably, the brutal and fatal bludgeoning of Derrion Albert, a 16 year old honor student. Walking home from school, he took a two by four to the head at the bus stop, we have enough technology to get video footage of this incident (censored version of the incident can be seen here and yet ironically, we don't have the compassion or willingness to do anything to prevent the violence. Instead of trying to stop things, we tape em and toss em on youtube so we can get mad-hits-yo!
Chicago residents are pleading for the black painted marionette to make a touchy feely public announcement about the significance and importance of the future of our youth and of course "change" in order to soothe over the epidemic of violence in the streets of Chicago.
Unfortunately Obama was unable to make a note about this because prior issues were at hand. He was occupied in Copenhagen on the turmoil filled subject of "where the fuck the Olympics gonna be at, yo? i mean, 2016 is right around the bend, ya feel me dawg?" In this heated discussion of high importance, the President and the International Olympic Committee had no other choice but to drink on the subject.
His trip to Copenhagen, after calculating security personnel and equipment, the cost of flying Air Force One at $56,518 an hour (2006 statistic, prior to our current economic crisis), and all other additional "presidential expenses" is estimated to be anywhere from 750,000 to 1,125,000 dollars. And of course, this is going to be shelled out by the taxpayers!
hey...isnt Obama a black guy whose from Chicago?
Pittsburgh - In response to the Global credit crisis, on September 24–25, 2009 at Pittsburgh's David L. Lawrence Convention Center a G20 summit was organized and held by Barack Obama. You may ask yourself, what the fuck is a G-20? The Group of 20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors who were established in 1999 "to bring together systemically important industrialized and developing economies to discuss key issues in the global economy," Among the US President was representatives from Argentina, Australia, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, South Korea, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey and The United Kingdom.
With the constitution on their side, protests quickly surrounded the summit. A majority of the protesters were peace, environmental, labor and social justice organizations and used such techniques as tent cities, demonstrations, marching and sign holding. Greenpeace activists hung banners from the deck of the West End Bridge to warn people of the dangers of increased CO2 emissions. Due to causing a traffic jam, people apprehended eight activists who surrendered peacefully.
As thousand of bandanna masked protesters stormed the street, Police became concerned and decided to turn the peaceful protest into a full on police induced riot. The pigs started by firing OC (mo fuckin tear gas) spray at a crowd of an estimated 500 demonstrators to try and disperse the entire situation. Instead of dispersing the crowd, the violent act instead turned the crowd of possibly two thousand into 4,500 people. This made the Police pull out the big guns, for the first time ever used on US citizens, the Police also used a sound cannon. Essentially a really fucking loud annoying cannon that emits sound so intense it makes you wanna book it or curl up into fetal position and cry. Then they began using stun and smoke grenades to create a total sense of confusion to try and get the protesters to leave.
Dozens of University of Pittsburgh students claimed they wrongfully arrested and had to endure heavy-handed police tactics that were unnecessary. People are arguing the police used harassment and brutality and didnt allow peaceful protest. In addition to the arrests in Pittsburgh, two people were arrested Thursday in nearby Kennedy Township for allegedly directing the protesters using Twitter. This is possibly the first time that anyone has been arrested in the United States for using Twitter.
Soooooo.....hmmm...let me sum this up. This is America, these pictures are of every day people like you and me. We have the constitutional right to protest and to freedom of speech. We flexed this right and were treated like terrorists. Sounds kind of silly huh? Kind of like something that's not supposed to happen in the land of the free? So did you see Rock of Love this weekend, it was sick!
fuckin criminals!
Anyway, fuck current events, i've got some dvd's to watch. I just rented a Larry the Cable Guy movie called "Towellie heads and cous cous fags get out!" Really looking forward to it!
Here's a little something I wrote a month or two ago.
cheap bitch
go ahead and hide behind your jug of cheap red wine, you know its bitter but you sip at it to add to your ambiance,
you glow dark with mystery and fresh with fashion sense, what high end eye candy you've proven to be, gold so hot it's untouchable,
but i know better than to fall for that, it's fool's gold, tar with a spray paint gold finish,
chameleons, whose character changes with choice of outfit, veins flooded with vanity,
it's sad how much you carry that ugly pride, with your fancy high heels you've stepped you're way up an imaginary ladder,
and now you cling in arms with your crew of elitist cunts, weary about bringing in just anybody,
because it could deteriorate your status, but you keep the type the same, dull but gorgeous,
appearing to be more of an artist than she really is, she can't be too smart, cause she'll see whats under the veil,
insecure little girls who use the same tactics as they did in high school,
artists, i think not, more like groupies for whatever music style accommodates this weeks short lived era.
sad to think you got those tattoos for other people's opinions, hows that credit going to feel when you're going on sixty?
you think you wear the coat, ha ha, you just get dragged on its tail.
and we'll hang out at party, and you'll be a lone wolf from your pack when you actually speak a word to me,
i'll think, hey she's alright, maybe i was wrong. but when you're back in you're hood with your bitches,
i can't help but hear the slurs come my way from the sideways mouths and exhausted tongues of you golden cunts, feeling short of breath in your tight vintage get up, i bet you tell people you got those clothes at a thrift store,
see me on the street and act like you don't know me, you go out to be seen, to be a part of the scene, but what do you contribute,
backhanded comments sneakily whispered amongst each other and being some dressed up tease,
thats alright, let me give you a break, who am i anyway, it works for you, you get everything you want.
i never tried to be nothing i aint, and i'm alright with my not so perfect face and i know my place,
one not afraid to tell a whole group of people, hey, i dont got no huge dick and i wont last 45 minutes, but if you wish to take me home,
you'd be surprised at how well i'll satisfy your garden with this tongue of experience,
i'm not afraid to embrace the reality of things, and if you gave me a chance to see the inside,
i'll let you know that what your got is good enough for me, because it's beautiful,
you wont have to wear a veil and speak the words of your peers, you could be yourself, think about that for one second, being yourself,
you know who you are
currently listening to: modern lovers
fuck brain cells.
ReplyDeletebut seriously, the world is so fucked up beyond all fucking reasoning that there's nothing we can really do but get wasted and try ignore all the bullshit.