A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate investors from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from any actual profit earned. The Ponzi scheme usually entices new investors by offering return other investments cannot guarantee, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent. The perpetuation of the returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises and pays requires an ever-increasing flow of money from investors to keep the scheme going.
The system is destined to collapse because the earnings, if any, are less than the payments. Usually, the scheme is interrupted by legal authorities before it collapses because a Ponzi scheme is suspected or because the promoter is selling unregistered securities. As more investors become involved, the likelihood of the scheme coming to the attention of authorities increases. While the system eventually will collapse under its own weight, the recent example of Bernard Madoff powerfully illustrates the ability of a Ponzi scheme to delude both individual and institutional investors as well as securities authorities for long periods: Madoff's variant of the Ponzi Scheme stands as the largest financial investor fraud in history committed by a single person. Prosecutors estimate losses at Madoff's hand totalling $64.8 billion.
If this is what Wallstreet is all about, i gotta buy a suit!
Tuesday in New York the State Supreme Court held a hearing against Bernine Madoff. Madoff is a BAD MOTHA FUCKA, thats right! A once multi-millionaire, financier, and Chairman of the NASDAQ stock exchange, he now spends his nights in a federal prison in North Carolina.
Not only were his insiders aware of his mischievousness, not only did his employees contribute to it by going out on "drug runs", but major financial institutions, including KPMG, the Bank of New York and JP Morgan Chase, were aware that Madoff was transferring stolen funds to a foreign bank account. He used these funds to buy yachts and Bentleys.
Madoff was convicted of operating a Ponzi scheme and defrauding thousands of investors. He pleaded guilty in March to 11 counts, including fraud, money laundering and perjury, and was sentenced to 150 years in prison. Prosecutors have said it was the largest investor fraud ever committed by a single person, totaling billions in losses to investors.
Artists dont have enough money to buy paint, musicians can't pay for strings and I dont even have enough money to buy a pack of smokes...
I found this article to be quite entertaining and thought provokingI addded the picture, I found it appropriate.
“Everyone with a tattoo has their bullshit reasons behind it; You always want to live by a religious philosophy you briefly learned about in your eastern cultures class, you want to honor that guy you spent a fateful spring break with, you want everyone to know you’re hard to touch, hence the barbed wire on your bicep. While none of us want to admit it, most of the mental preparation done before getting a tattoo is figuring out what you’re going to say when people ask you what your ink symbolizes. You want to be deep. You want to be profound. You spend months crafting the beautiful soliloquy that will give insight to your masterful epidermal tapestry. But most of us are dumb and only profound in the way that a Zach Braff movie is profound. Every tattoo explanation I’ve ever heard (including my own) comes off as a cover story for the real reason we get tattoos: they are awesome. You can philosophize all you want, but deep down we know that the reason we brave ridicule from our friends, lectures from our parents, and potential inker’s remorse is so we can look cool in a tank top. But few people will admit this is the case. Most stand proudly by their tattoos and their vague, cryptic, undertones. The trickiest part of this whole equation is that we’re all getting older, and that one day we’re going to have grandkids asking about the muddy purple spots on our forearms and lower backs. Just take a second and imagine your own grandmother, just finishing setting the table for a delicious Thanksgiving feast, saying that she got Death tattooed on her shoulder blade because she always wants to remember that the Reaper’s on her back, man. Now imagine your grandfather, sporting Bermuda shorts and an oxygen tank, saying he got this piece done on his chest because Fall Out Boy is “fucking awesome.” Hilarious right? Gaze into your future, American youth. ” — Johnny Highland
They call it a pecker-"head" for a reason
Give it a chance to think about it. I believe that everything that we are is all based on what we want to fuck. We dress a certain way, talk a certain way, act a certain way because we are attracted to that kind of person or seek sex with someone who would be attracted to that kind of person. This even applies to our belief system and how we look at the world. If you're looking for a nice-stay at home-take care of my children-normal gal -with no dirty sexual experience, you probably attend Church regularly.
This even applies to where we work, how much money we make, and what we buy. You want a girl whose into muscle cars, you buy a muscle car, you want a little high maintenance but appallingly beautiful dime piece, you drive a Bentley and buy her diamonds. This isnt something that just up and started, we have always been that way, it's how we're programmed as animals. The girl or guy you liked in middle school, you unintentionally reinvented yourself to fit what you think would attract them.
In some cases it's not even someone you've ever seen or met, it could be an icon. For instance, if you think Brad Pitt is into wild girls, you're gonna be a wild girl. Unfortunately my love for punk isnt going to actually get me in the sack with Courtney Love, Nancy Spungen or Kathleen Hanna. But I hope for the best.
Yeah yeah yeah...I know, you can argue you all you want. This idea does make you seem kind of shallow and unoriginal, but hey, even you're idols are the way they are because they wanted to fuck that category of pussy. This is another reason why people tend to change so much, no matter how perverted we are, we all get more perverted and over time, with experience and life, we all change the "type" of person we wanna get all up in the guts with.
Here's a strange but relevant example, think about the way you've progressed in watching porn over the years. I mean let me speak for myself. When I was younger, I used to catch as much porn as I could, as did most confused thirteen year olds with their doors locked, scanning the Internet for clips of free porn. Back then, what I got was what I got and that would do it for me. Over time, I started to dip my toes into kinkier and kinkier stuff, started looking into "specifics" in my viewing material. Don't judge me for for putting my cards on the table, I'm no worse than you guys. We're all pervies, anyway, somehow, now i can't get my dick hard unless I'm watching something nasty, dirty and hardcore, you know what I'm talking about, the good stuff. Examining the space between these time periods, I've realized my perversion and kinkiness has always been and still is directly related to how I've prowled for pussy and what "type" of sexual counter part gets my junk in a vice grip.
Due to me growing as a person, and acquiring my sexual habits or "kinks" over the years, my type has been finely molded into something that mirrors myself, a kind of sweet on the outside, hardened bitch on the inside, a freak in the sack that practically hates everything but is still somehow capable of tolerating me and I am of her. I mean, let me get real for a second, I'm not the type that will ever buy you a diamond ring, but I'll treat you damn good, cook you a mean diner and give you a little pearl necklace if thats what you're into, as long as you let me pull your hair out, choke you a bit and give you a little slap on your ass.
I'm not sure how this article here has transcended into this. I'm pretty sure there was a point I made somewhere in there. Anyway, there's nothing like exposing you're sexuality to the public eye via Internet. It's not my fault that no one else wants to talk about it (maybe it's cause they dont wanna hear about it, meh, fuck em).
my best friends call me a creep., also, if you dont get the pearl necklace joke....seriously go choke on a dick
Worthy words from a wise man: Kerouac
Currently listening to: Crass
Added note: So...I very rarely do anything for my lunch break at work. I usually chain smoke for an hour and get coffee next door. But today I decided to go to the quad to get some actual food. I'm very glad I did, because coincidentally the day I actually walked to the quad I got to catch a live performance of Beach House for free, an entire 45 minute set. It was awesome.
my grandma gave me a pearl necklace.
ReplyDeletedidnt know about the mad partying with madoff, he is a cunt. I don't know if I blame him though, I think a lot of people would have done the same in his situation. Yeah your already making millions of dollars being a CEO, but you could be making even MORE. And we are Americans my man, more is always better in our culture. Pigs Get Fat. Hogs get Slaughtered. Really like the tramp stamp pic, I wanna meet that girl, she's bound to be interesting. I agree with the whole tat spell as well. Funny thing is, odds are there will be a day when we are senile and we won't be able to remember our ''deep'' meanings for our tats, and we will be old and wrinkely so they won't even be pretty to look at anymore. Also agree with the whole girl thing, thats why my steez changes day to day. As for your dick, don't want to talk about it. And as for the porn situation, three words, "Brazilian Fart Fetish". I feel ya's on that my nig. Peace love and happiness. Seacreast Out.